DORA has issued a Director Position statement to clarify the supervision requirements of a licensed manager who has direct supervision over an apprentice license.  An apprentice is NOT a community association manager and is prohibited from performing acts that require a community association manager license except, when under the direct supervision of a licensed CAM.  So, what is direct supervision?  The Director Position statement says, to the extent that the apprentice is performing one of the following activities (listed in CRS 12-61-1001(4)), they must do so when the supervisor is physically present and there is constant direction, feedback and assistance:

  1. interacting with members or nonmembers of the common interest community with respect to business, legal, financial or other transactions of the community;
  2. executing resolutions and decisions of the board;
  3. enforcing the rights of the community;
  4. administering and coordinating maintenance within the community;
  5. administering architectural review;
  6. arranging, conducting or coordinating meetings of the board or members;
  7. maintaining records of the community;
  8. administering or controlling community funds including reserves.

So, pretty much most things, with the exception of clerical or ministerial tasks, must be done with the CAM in the room.  DORA also reminds those managers that are either the designated manager under the licensure rules or those that have been delegated supervisory authority, that they bear the responsibility for ensuring compliance with the supervised apprentice of all statutes and rules.

One response to “What It Means to Supervise a Manager Holding an Apprentice License
  1. Wow that was odd. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear.
    Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyhow,
    just wanted to say superb blog!

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